Hey y'all!
A lot has been happening since the last time I checked in.
- I got a NEW JOB! I started my new job on September 1st. I am still at the university, just in a different department. I am loving it so far. I am in culture shock a little bit. My new office is so laid back and all of the people are super nice, completely the opposite of my old office.
- My best friend (of 20 years) got an awesome new job and moved 4.5 hours away. Very bittersweet.
- I have not mentioned this on the blog yet, but D is carrying on a tradition in his family. He has taken over his family's BBQ sauce business. He FINALLY got the last piece of the long and frustrating government requirement puzzle today ... inspection of his facility. The inspector wants a few small things changed. But D is one step closer to full production.
- {Small Rant Ahead} I am sure it is all state governments, but trying to navigate Georgia bureaucracy to get all of this stuff approved is like moving through mud. They do not get into a hurry for anything and dealing with multiple offices has been a nightmare. D has literally gotten contradictory information for the same question from different offices ... multiple times. Ridiculous. But it is necessary to deal with them. So, you do what you have to do. I'll post more information about the sauce (probably a blog post by itself) in the next couple of weeks.
- In other news, I found out that I have to get my wisdom teeth removed. The surgery is scheduled for October 2nd. Not looking forward to that.
I am not going to promise that I will be around more often, because who knows. But I will update again soon. Thanks for stopping by!