Friday, February 5, 2016

life lately & wedding update

What's New With You

I have not posted in ages. 
So, what better time to link up with Kristen! 

Life has been busy, busy. 
Between the normal 40-50 hr work week and wedding planning, 
I am also taking two grad courses this semester. 
What was I thinking?!?!?!

I briefly contemplated taking this semester off. 
But that would have put graduation a semester off as well. 
And I will only miss finals week for the wedding. 
I have already cleared that with my profs. 
But, man oh man, the workload is killer. 

That is life lately! 
Work, school, and a little wedding planning thrown in. 

Now for the fun stuff, wedding planning updates. 

We have DRESSES!!! 
All of them. 
Mine and the bridesmaids. 

As I have mentioned in the past, 
I was dreading the wedding dress part. 
We did do the "go try on dresses" thing. 
I did not find anything I liked for my dress. 
But all of the bridesmaids did. 

I wanted each of them in different dresses in the same color. 
I just do not think there is a single dress out there that looks great on everybody. 
And I wanted my girls to feel as pretty as possible on my wedding day. 

Here are their dresses: 

I really want to show y'all my dress. 
It is completely non-traditional. 
But D does occasionally read my blog and I do not want to spoil the surprise for him. 
I did find it online and not in a store. 
I can let y'all know that it has pockets! :D 

We are on the downward slide of things now. 
Only 84 days to go!