Friday, January 1, 2010


I have never made new year's resolutions. I just do not see the point in making a list of things that will never get done. I just pray that I have learned something from the previous year. I should probably self-evaluate more often, but I always do so at the beginning of a new year.

This year I am praying that 2010 is better than 2009. I would say that it could not get any worse, but I know that is not true. Because it can. I just want to be able to handle everything God puts in my path with grace and understanding. I want to enjoy the simple things in life more. I believe that you can find happiness in every season of your life. While dealing with my uncle's sickness and passing, I probably laughed more in that short 3 months than I had in a long time. I think deep down my family knew we had to make the most out of every single moment we had together. I know that God has a plan and that it is for our good. It is not always sunshine and roses, but the valleys make you stronger and make you appreciate life more. But I am definitely ready to be out of the valley and on top of the mountain!


  1. Here's to hoping your 2010 is a better year for you!

  2. I'm keeping positive thoughts in my head that 2010 WILL be a better year!
